Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Peer Reviews Aid The Exploration - 806 Words
The scholarly journals have a huge contribution or reviewers behind them. ‘Peer Reviews’ aid the exploration, setting up of a strategy by which it can be assessed, and increment organizing conceivable outcomes inside of examination groups. Notwithstanding reactions, ‘Peer Review’ is still the main broadly acknowledged system for examination acceptance. Peer reviewing is a framework that is utilized by researchers to choose which research results ought to be distributed in scientific journals. Peer reviewing subject the logical examination papers to free investigation by other qualified experimental specialists, called peers, before they are published for the common people. More than one million exploratory research papers and articles are†¦show more content†¦This is done against the guidelines of the journal’s author. This is important as it assures the presence and arrangement of all the necessary stylizations and sections. However the quality is not checked in this process and is left for the later step. The second step is reviewing in which the peers set aside the time to go through the paper a few times. The 1st analysis is utilized to frame a beginning impression of the work. On the off chance that significant issues are found at this stage the reviewers may feel fine in dismissing the paper without further work. Otherwise, they read the paper a few more times, taking notes in order to fabricate a definite point-by-point survey. The survey is then submitted to the diary, with a suggestion to acknowledge or reject it or else with a solicitation for correction prior to its reassessing. There is a great difference between an editor and a peer. Editors are the ones who compile the research, arrange it and make specific selection regarding the edition of sections in the research. He is the central entity for making the decision of forwarding the research to the peer reviewing step or not. They screen it and make the further decisions. Its’ their verdict according to which the research is rejected or accepted, based on the reports of peer review, for the final publication. On the other hand, peers are the ones who review the research. They are the veterans who decide the authenticity of the research and
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Habeas Corpus Law in the US - 1416 Words
Habeas Corpus U.S. Introduction Many may not know this but following his inauguration, President Obama did put in some orders to basically just shut down the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay within one year. However, about two years later, nevertheless, Obamas plan to close Guantanamo is in disasters. In excess of 180 prisoners that still remain at Guantanamo, and new legislation is making it tremendously problematic to transfer extra prisoners from the naval base. Defense Secretary Robert Gates lately named the forecasts for conclusion very, very low, and the management is trying to press forward with new military command trials that are at the base. In a lot of different ways, the United States is actually further from closing Guantanamo now than it was after Obamas inauguration. However, if we go back to the Bush years, we will discover that actually right after the U.S. attack of Afghanistan in 2001, the Bush administration had started developing a plan for holding and questioning apprehended prisoners. Most of th ese prisoners were then sent to a prison that was inside a U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, which happened to be on land that had been rented from the supervision of Cuba. Ever since 2002, over 800 men were held as prisoners at GITMO. A Most have been let go deprived of charges or revolved to other administrations. In 2011, Congress exactly forbade the spending of reserves to transfer GITMO detainees to imprisonment amenities which are in the mainlandShow MoreRelatedHabeas Corpus and the War on Terror Essay1307 Words  | 6 Pageshow the war is going and how the terrorists were classified as such. I will also be providing information on Habeas Corpus both past and present as well as what it means both in English and American traditions. Furthermore the way everything will be written will answer very specific questions asked and I shall answer them. The first portion of the essay is about the history of habeas corpus and how it came to be. This is an act that originated back in 1863 to suspend the right to trial if you areRead MoreThe Right Of Habeas Corpus1531 Words  | 7 PagesWhich brings me to the issue of habeas corpus, and the rights or civil liberties of detainees who have been deemed enemy combatants. To understand the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror, you must first understand the historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions,examine times in U.S. history when habeas corpus was suspended and their applicability to the present, closely analyze the relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situationRead MoreThe Rights Of Habeas Corpus956 Words  | 4 PagesThe president’s executive order 456 that called for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus amid intense political instability was necessary. In order to give legal advice wi th substance to Her Excellency President Dove, the counsel remained very objective and impartial on her actions within the period of time the civil war lasted. The counsel is reviewing Madame Dove’s actions on three folds, 1, is her action to wage war constitutional? 2, is her action violate the constitution check and balancesRead MoreHabeas Corpus And The War On Terror1072 Words  | 5 PagesTo understand Habeas Corpus and how it has played its part in the war on terror, a look at what it is and how it started should be looked at. Habeas Corpus, (â€Å"you should have the body†), is an old legal procedure that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. It is issued by a judge and does not determine whether the individual is guilty or innocent, but whether they are illegally imprisoned. If the charges are considered valid, the individual will go to trial, if not, the personRead MoreHow Should We Treat Non American Prisoners1274 Words  | 6 Pages larger group. How does this loss of personal rights reflect on our country and the fundamentals it was founded on? Habeas corpus refers to the right to get direct access to federal court to challenge ones imprisonment. Hawke, Anne. (2007, June 29) The detainees at Guantanamo do not have access to law books, lawyers or courts. Roughly 45 men at Guantanamo Bay have filed writs of habeas corpus. At first the courts refused to review the information then changed their minds and decided it needed to be reviewedRead MoreHabeas Corpus Essay1566 Words  | 7 PagesHABEAS CORPUS TERESA WATSON AMERICAN NATIONAL HISTORY PROFESSOR BRENT SCHINDLER FEBUARY 4, 2013 Habeas Corpus in its most familiar form has played an important role in â€Å"Anglo American history as a safe guard of individual liberty. It is defined as being a writ directed by a judge to some person who is detaining another, commanding him to bring the body of the person in his custody at a specified time and a specified place for a specified purpose. In contemporary practice, the writRead MoreThe United States1941 Words  | 8 Pageswill in changing this situation. In the United States, habeas corpus became a legal act after the country established its independence. The request for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus is made before a judge and, if granted, a prisoner must be brought before the judge. For instance, it is known that Abraham Lincoln detained people known for being Confederate spies without proving their guilt. The concept of the writ of habeas corpus will be a bridge between the study of the ConstitutionalRead MoreCivil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Essay1860 Words  | 8 PagesLiberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Jennifer Proctor POL201: American National Government Instructor: Luke Martin 10/29/12 Habeas Corpus has been around for very many years. Although no one knows its exact origin it still dates back pretty far. Habeas Corpus has been seen as a good thing and a bad thing. It has been around for every war we have had. It has also been suspended by two of our presidents in the past. The story and history of Habeas Corpus is a veryRead MoreShould Civil Liberties Be Restricted During Times of War1571 Words  | 7 Pagesmost basic freedoms and liberties. Perfect balancing of these restrictions is vital to the countries wellbeing. One of the most well-known examples of this type of restraint is Abraham Lincoln’s precedent of suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus and issuing martial law. Lincoln’s actions clearly violated the rights of the people that are guaranteed to them under the Constitution. While out of context it wouldn’t make much sense, the specific circumstance’s Abraham Lincoln was facing completely justifiedRead MoreHabeas Corpus : His torical Background3278 Words  | 14 PagesSuspension of Habeas Corpus: Historical Background The government has often engaged in the suspension of habeas corpus in times of wars and insurrections. This practice is by no means new, and goes back as far as the Civil War. An analysis of this practice shows that it is, at best, a short term measure. In the recent past, the US Supreme Court took up this topic in the context of the war on terrorism, and their findings-and the analysis that support those findings-reinforces this position. Habeas corpus
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Power of Government Free Essays
Throughout history the power of government plays a leading role in the turning points of how the government should expand its branches and support its country. In the events of the Nullification Crisis and the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, both opposed how the government grew its power. Although the power of the national government increased during the early republic, this development often faced serious opposition. We will write a custom essay sample on Power of Government or any similar topic only for you Order Now As the government throughout the years increase its power, states government can’t help but fight for their rights. States began opposing the national government’s decisions as their decisions questioned civil liberties. In order to strongly support their cause, state governments began to declare federal laws null and void. In the events of the Nullification Crisis and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, these events help embody the clear differences between two opposing principals of government power- states’ rights and federalism. The Nullification Crisis arose during the Presidency of Andrew Jackson, as the people of the South strongly agreed to nullify, avoid and ignore federal law, they disagreed with Congress rulings. As the new president, Jackson did not properly prepare to handle his presidency, he did not properly handle the protests against the Tariff of 1828. Members of the South felt that the tariff affected the south more than the north. As the federal government began to increase its power, the fear of a corrupt government and power hungry officials, with accordance with John. C. Calhoun beliefs, the south began to nullify and ignore national law. These attempts challenged the federal government and caused disputes between states and federal law. However, as states eagerly began to protest against tariffs and rulings the Federal government did not allow southern states to nullify their tariff. This shows how strong their power is and how they clearly display that their rulings are important. The motives of the southern states protesting against federal law is due to unfair attention between the southern and northern states. The Nullification Crisis of 1832 expressed the idea that states representing the people have the right to judge the constitutionality of federal decisions. Before the Nullification Crisis, the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions began doubting federal actions as well. The resolutions were passed in opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts which were ruled by federal law. As the Jeffersonian Republicans first enacted the Kentucky resolutions, it was an attack to the Federalist interpretation of the constitution. Also, the resolutions protest against limitations on civil liberties. They interpreted that the national government would extend its powers over the states. The resolutions expressed that the constitution established an agreement between states and the federal government. In which the federal government has no right to expand its powers under the terms of the agreement. But just like the nullification crisis, other states disagreed and ignored their statements. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions declared that states have the right to decide on the constitutionality of federal rulings. Throughout history the rise of federal power has states disagreeing with their decisions. Although neither the south states or the federal government won the conflict of the Nullification Crisis, it resulted great tension between the two groups. Citizens realized that President Jackson became untrustworthy to their motives of refusing federal law. The crisis defined that the powers of both the federal government and the state government. As both events lead up to the Civil War, these events marked that the voice of the states should be heard. Although the resolutions did not meet their goal, it revealed that the clash between states and federal government embodied principal roles of government. How to cite Power of Government, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Controversial Message Unethical Conducts †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Controversial Message Unethical Conducts? Answer: Introducation Inside the advertising industry, self-regulation is a must. It is there to reduce the influences of controversial message and unethical conducts on potential clients and the larger community group with the help of authorizing regulators for making rulings related to controversial messages and unethical actions. With the increase in the influence of the web on daily life, social media management advertising platforms like YouTube and Myspace and other weblogs seem to change the roles and authority of the involved parties in the self-regulatory process. Advertisers have the power to freely spread messages that are termed unethical and banned by regulators of media sites, while on the other hand, consumers have the option to choose sharing their viewpoints and influence other people regarding advertising campaigns via blogs. The advertising world has changed and so has the process of self-regulation. New media has provided the general public with power by offering them a global unregulated communication forma and information transfer (Kerr et al., 2012). If digital games can be taken as an example, they have become quite prevalent with the advent of digital media and this dissemination carries on rising. These games reach a million people, acting as a mass medium. The advertising aspect of these games have developed continuously and has went on to become today a significant way of communicating with millions of people around the world. Since this is a very important way of maintaining communication with a large number of people, it is important that the advertising maintains their ethical aspect (Terlutter Capella, 2013). References Kerr, G., Mortimer, K., Dickinson, S., Waller, D. S. (2012). Buy, boycott or blog: Exploring online consumer power to share, discuss and distribute controversial advertising messages.European Journal of Marketing,46(3/4), 387-405. Terlutter, R., Capella, M. L. (2013). The gamification of advertising: analysis Business research directions of in-game advertising, advergames, and advertising in social network games.Journal of Advertising,42(2-3), 95-112.
Friday, November 29, 2019
My Challenge free essay sample
â€Å"Okay honey, you can open your eyes now.†The drawling voice of the gum-chewing hairdresser jerked me back to reality. However, I found myself screwing my eyes tightly shut, for I was afraid that opening them would reveal the diamond-like tears I had worked so hard to hold back. This was no ordinary haircut. The reason why tufts of my silky jet-black hair were scattered all over the polished tiles was much deeper than that. It all started on a fine wintry day in the heart of Cambridge, England. My mother had come home from work one day with the flu. What had started out as a trivial sickness suddenly morphed into something much more formidable. Since we had detected no sign of the illness improving after several long days, we rushed her to the hospital and anxiously waited for a sign. After what seemed like an eternity, a doctor came out with a mixed expression that read somewhere between I am so sorry and Oh, why do I have to be the one who delivers the bad news, and informed us that my mother had been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. We will write a custom essay sample on My Challenge or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This discovery meant that my mother was going to have to stay bedridden from now on, since even the slightest of physical exertion would leave her dizzy and fatigued. We rode home in silence, and all the while I was thinking, Why us? What did we ever do to deserve this? But no answer came. I had always believed my life was perfect, that nothing bad could ever happen to my family. But now, I realized that anything can happen, and that could be turned upside down at any time. I could no longer rely on my mother for the mundane tasks that I had previously taken for granted. But I tried my best to adapt to my family’s new lifestyle. I woke up in the morning, a small five year old, and heated the kettle to make tea for Mom. As the bubbles frothed and foamed to the surface, I tidied up the rooms, straightening sheets and fluffing pillows. As I trudged up the stairs with the scalding cup of tea wobbling in my unsteady hands, my mother’s mouth cracked in a smile for the first time in days. At that moment, I knew that, together, we could overcome this hardship. I decided to take action. Brushing and braiding my hair, a raven wave of liquid silk cascading down my back, was a task too arduous for my mom to perform. So I decided to make a critical decision; I would chop off my ebony tresses to ease her burden a little more. As I was reminded of the reason behind my haircut, I slowly gained the strength to peer through my cemented eyelids. What I saw in the mirror surprised me: a young girl with beautiful shoulder-length locks staring defiantly back at me with eyes that flashed with courage.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Symbolism in Big Two-Hearted River Essays
Symbolism in Big Two-Hearted River Essays Symbolism in Big Two-Hearted River Essay Symbolism in Big Two-Hearted River Essay Essay Topic: The Heart Goes Last Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Symbolism in Big Two-Hearted River The story, Big Twos of these include symbolism, paradox, metaphors, onomatopoeia, irony, and imagery among others (Brooke and Carpenter 15). In this story, the writer makes use of the various literary elements to piece together a convincing image in the reader’s mind, one such element used extensively by the writer being symbolism. When Nick, the main character, comes home from the war, he expects to gain peace in his home. However, he finds the whole place burnt down and the previously old familiar surroundings inexistent. â€Å"There was no town, nothing but the rails and the burned-over country†, (Hemmingway 253). The state of Nick’s home symbolizes the state of despair that is experienced by most war veterans when they return home after the war. Their emotional state is ruined and unstable showing a similarity to the demolished state of the place. The place is deserted when Nick gets home and throughout the story, he remains on his own. This can also be a symbolic sign to portray the feelings that soldiers have when coming back from war. Most soldiers go through painful ordeals, and it is impossible for any other person to relate to what they feel. Hence, the lonely picture shows their solitary emotions. Nick’s actions are also symbolic. Nick carries a large hiker’s bag on his back and purposely walks away from the road into the woods. He knows what he wants at this point and knows where he is headed. Even when he is tired, he presses on past a pine island towards a certain spot on the riverbank. â€Å"His muscles ached, and the day was hot, but Nick felt happy. He felt he had left everything behind, the need for thinking, the need to write, other needs. It was all back of him,†(Hemmingway 254). Symbolism is used here to represent freedom. The war is over, and there are no boundaries as to where he can or cannot go. There are no rules dictating the food that he can carry and which he cannot. He is also free to decide where to pitch his tent. This part of the story symbolizes the freedom soldiers experience once they get out of the war-torn areas where their every move is dictated. At the beginning, when Nick gets to his home area and goes to the river on the log bridge, he watches the big trout racing upstream. Nick picks up his backpack, walks up the road and turns heading towards the woods. He only takes short rests and even when he is tired, he continues walking. â€Å"He was tired and very hot, walking across the uneven, shade-less pine plain. At any time, he knew he could strike the river by turning off to his left†(Hemmingway 255). Once he arrives at the riverbed, he observes that the trout would race upstream and jump to the surface to catch insects, but after some time, they all settle and easily feed from downstream as the insects settle on the surface (Hemmingway 256). This is symbolic to Nick’s situation. Initially, he was troubled and needed peace of mind, which led to him to go into the woods and to the riverbed just as the trout have to race up the river and jump out to catch the insects. The situation where the trout later calm do wn downstream, and do not have to jump out of the water to catch insects is used to symbolize Nick’s situation. He finally begins to get the peace of mind that he was after; as he had reached the riverbank, he yearned for and embraced his freedom. However, Nick realizes that not all is lost, as the pine trees and the river still exist. Nature is often used for healing processes as a means to attain calm and peace from man-initiated troubles such as wars. Thus, Hemmingway uses nature in his plot to signify that Nick finds the peace he is looking for in the woods, regardless of the derelict state of the town. When he gets to the pool, looking at the trout moving up against the current in the stream gives Nick a renewed feeling. He gets an illusion of the peace he is in search of, the feeling that he once had before the war. This is explained in the quote â€Å"Nick’s heart tightened as the trout moved. He felt all the old feeling†(Hemmingway 253). In the story, Nick noticed that the grasshoppers were sooty black, in contrast to the grasshoppers that he remembered from his childhood. Those from his childhood were either black and yellow in color or black and red. Initially he did not pay attention, but once his mind settled down, he realized that they were black because of the soot from the fire that burnt down the town. The fire had occurred the previous year, but the grasshoppers were still sooty black. This is a form of symbolism since, wondering how long the effects of the past destruction would last on the grasshoppers could be alluded to wondering how long the effects of the war that Nick had just come from would last on him. â€Å"He realized that the fire must have come the year before, but the grasshoppers were all black now. He wondered how long they would stay that way†, (Hemmingway 254). The second part of the story talks about renewal and Nick finding the peace he sought. By being able to pitch his own tent and make his own fishing rod, Nick felt more like the man he should be. There were no rules to govern him or anyone to dictate to him what he was expected to do. This symbolizes a new beginning for him, and a chance to be his own man. â€Å"Nick felt awkward and professionally happy with all his equipment hanging from him†, (Hemmingway 260). In this part, he is enjoying himself, savoring the river’s feeling and fishing. While he throws in the hooks for the second catch after throwing the smaller fish back into the water, there is a great resistance as he hooks a big trout that is not willing to lose the battle. He struggles with it until he reels it. In the shallow waters near the swampy shores, he reels in yet another big trout. The two trout put up quite a fight before they are eventually captured. This struggle is a symbol of the struggle that Nick had gone through in his life. This is further emphasized in that the trout are both male. He does not fish for the small trout as by now he has recognized that bigger risks bring with them greater rewards. â€Å"Nick fought him against the current, letting him thump in the water against the spring of the rod. He shifted the rod to his left hand, worked the trout upstream, holding his weight, fighting on the rod, and then let him down into the net†(Hemmingway 263). In both parts of the story, the writer makes great use of symbolism. The story has a flow and compels the reader to think deeper into the meanings of the words. This makes it an interesting and educative read. Literary elements give a story more meaning as it is subject to various interpretations based on the person reading it. This makes it suitable for a diverse crowd. Hemingway masters the art making him one of the recognizable writers of his time. Work Cited Brooke, Stopford A, and George R. Carpenter. English Literature. New York: The Macmillan Co, 2000. Print. Hemingway, Ernest. The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. Simon Schuster, 1938. Print.
Friday, November 22, 2019
M1A3 - Leadership and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
M1A3 - Leadership and ethics - Essay Example It has a customer base that runs into millions per week and expeditiously boasts of workforce of over 500,000 employees (Wrigley, 1988). Jack Cohen founded the company in 1919. The name Tesco appeared first in 1924, but it was not until 1929 when the first store started its operations. The store was originally a UK grocery retailer, but it has diversified increasingly geographically and into other areas including electronics, petrol, clothing, furniture, books retail, financial services, software, internet services, and music downloads, DVD rental and telecoms. Tesco repositioned itself in the 1990s to Tesco Finest ranges (Tesco). This inevitably led to successful chain growth of the store from five hundred stores in the nineties to two thousand five hundred stores in 2005. Tesco’s Values sits at the heart of its business and helps the store to deliver its core purpose, which is to generate value for its treasured customers in order to earn their lifetime loyalty. The store af firms that it tries to its level best for its customers, treat people, as they would love to be treated in order to, fully enjoy their work (Bell & Reavis, 2003). The year 1997 was the year that these values were developed. Various touch ups have been done to perfect the values to align them to today’s business current trends. ... These stores stock all range of Tesco’s products although some of the stores are in middle of inner-city locations and town centers. Tesco Superstores are large standard supermarkets, which stock groceries and a smaller range of non-food products in comparison with Extra stores. Tesco Metro stores are mainly located in the inner city, in city centers and on high streets of towns. They are in between Tesco Express stores and Tesco Superstores in terms of size. Tesco Express sores are notably the neighborhood convenience stores that are found in residential areas, in the city centre districts, small villages and towns and in various Esso petrol stations (Tesco). According to Bell & Reavis (2003), One Stop stores do not have the Tesco brand name. The stores are to be found in smaller residential areas. There prices also differ from other Tesco stores. Tesco Homeplus are non-food only ventures, and there are 13 stores nationwide. The stores offer all of the Tesco’s items bu t with an exception of food. The stores have a style that is similar to a warehouse unit and are found in retail parks. Dobbies Garden Centers are 28 garden centers in total. This number is equally divided between the stores in England and Scotland. Tesco bought 65% shares of the Dobbies Garden Centers PLC in 2008. According to Woods (2012), other business activities that Tesco undertakes include Internet retailing, financial services, petrol stations, telecoms, photo shops, Tesco Tech Support, Technika, filmmaking, record label, video-on-demand, gold exchange, Tesco Tyres and beauty salon. The store made record profits of ?3.4 billion in the year 2010 despite the economy suffering the effects of recession. Tesco is
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How nutrition relates to bone health Research Paper
How nutrition relates to bone health - Research Paper Example The following analysis will help the reader to understand the key building blocks that are required by the body in order to perform and maintain a healthy skeletal system. Firstly, and most obviously, calcium as well as vitamin K and vitamin D are the most basic and important building blocks of proper bone strength and nutrition. Although calcium is what is primarily focused upon with regards to maintaining proper bone density and health, both vitamin K and vitamin D help to regulate the levels of calcium in the blood stream as well as to encourage and discourage the way that this calcium is synthesized within the bone marrow itself (Marian 440). Although this vitamin and nutrient are often mentioned in the same breath with bone health and nutrition, few individuals understand the processes that each of these play in proper bone health. Firstly, vitamin D is converted to what is known as calcidiol in the liver. Once this conversion has taken place, the calcidiol is then pumped through the blood stream with the sole intent of seeking to regulate the levels of calcium and phosphate that exist in the blood stream. Calcidiol acts in this way as a hormone to regulate levels of compounds that exist throughout the body (Price 143). By acting in this regulatory fashion, the body is able to make appropriate use of the calcium and phosphate levels that are in the blood stream in order to properly build strong bones. In the same way, vitamin K helps to control the level of calcium binding that takes place within the bone structure. Likewise, in addition to calcium and vitamin K, D, the body needs to maintain adequate levels of magnesium; the second most plentiful mineral, after calcium, in the skeleton. Magnesium has a host of applications with respect to bone health; however, for the purposes of this brief analysis it can understood to have a direct and profoundly important effect on the boney matrix that helps to give bones their density and
Monday, November 18, 2019
Cloud Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cloud - Assignment Example Users will use this to interact with the cloud services. For instance, users need a browser that will enable them to access a wide variety of applications at the same time (Collins, 2014). They can access word applications, sophisticated programs, and electronic mail services. An example is the email services where the user requires a browser to access storage and software that is on the cloud host. Essentially, a cloud computing architecture comprises of a front-end and a back-end. The back-end consists of the storage and the servers. On the other end, the front end is made up fat and thin clients. In addition, there is a delivery system based on the cloud and the network. The choice to either rent a cloud computing facility or to purchase hardware is dependent on a number of constraints. First, is the population of the company against the monthly charges per terminal. The larger the organization, the individual cost will be lower but the overall cost, when projected on a long term basis, is very costly. In such a case, it is advisable to purchase hardware for the organization. When running significant database systems, it is cheaper if the organization avoided renting the facility. Making the most out of a cloud facility may be hard because they have fixed instance sizes. With your installation, it gives you the flexibility of creating dimensions of your choices (Jamsa, 2013). The experience with cloud providers is the significant acceleration of CPU speed and the memory. However, the world outside demands you have one flanking the other. Challenges coming with colocation include availability of in-house expertise. It ranges from establishing your network, acquiring equipments that may be expensive. Also, your data centers have to be up twenty-four hours seven days. The additional cost here is to have staff on call and ready to move. Otherwise, you incur extra costs hiring somebody to fix these problems. There is no option other than purchasing
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Effect of the Recession on Sustainable Development
Effect of the Recession on Sustainable Development Sustainability has been on the lips of everyone involved in the construction industry for the last 10 years. However, the issue of Sustainability arouse first in a Report named Our Common Future. This then prompted the need for the conference in Brazil (1992). Discussed in this conference were the core principles of sustainability being; Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs Greene, D. (1997) Both Sustainability and the Recession are both terms in which have a range of meanings and attitudes. As the issue of Sustainability is being used more and more in the construction industry is recent years it is imperative to try and pin point exactly what sustainable commercial construction is. It is also paramount to determine just exactly what the recession is and show just how they have affected each other. In recent years, we have had two previous recessions, one being in the 1980s and the second one being in the early 1990s. This is the third recession that the country has been in, in as many decades. In June 2008, the country officially entered the third recession, of which we are still in today, Sustainability has become more of a problem in recent years due to the major issue of the recession. Sustainability needs to be addressed and identified and it is important that it is done within one of the largest industries, if not the biggest, being the construction industry. In my research I will hopefully try to clarify the terms, sustainable commercial construction and the recession and show how each one has affected the other. Keywords Sustainable Commercial Construction; Recession; Introduction One of the main priorities for the construction industry and any construction company are to produce Sustainable Commercial Buildings. As everyone knows, the country has been hit by a recession with the construction industry being hit the hardest. It is important to define exactly what Sustainable Construction in commercial buildings is and exactly what the recession is and see just how the recession has affected Sustainable Commercial Construction 1.2 Aim In this dissertation I aim to investigate exactly what the recession is, exactly what sustainable development is and I aim to show the audience just how each one has affected each other 1.3 Project Objectives To define the recession To define sustainable construction To determine just how the recession and sustainable construction have been affected by each other. What barriers or influences encourage or deter companies to build Sustainable Commercial Buildings. 1.4 Proposed Structure 1.4.1 Background First of all the research will define both the recession and will also define sustainable construction and go on to look at how they have been affected by one another. The research should then go on and look at what barriers or influences encourage or deter companies to build Sustainable Buildings. 1.4.2 Collection of Results The collection of results will be accomplished using professionals who are currently working in and around the construction industry. Results will be collected with information regarding their views on whether Sustainable Construction has been affected by the Recession and other information regarding Sustainable Construction. 1.4.3 Analysis The results collected from my interviews will then be analysed so that an outcome can be gained to answer the investigation objectives pointed out earlier. They will also be analysed to show a comparison with past research relating Sustainable Construction and the Recession. 1.4.4 Final Analysis The final analysis is the last part of the research, like a conclusion it will assess the data to check and make sure that all aspects of the investigation have been covered. The investigation will then be checked to make sure it cannot be improved and revisited. Sustainable Commercial Construction and the Recession Scope of the Chapter This section of the dissertation will determine the definition of Sustainable Commercial Construction and will also try and determine just exactly what a recession is. 2.2 The Recession In June 2008 the United Kingdom officially entered the recession that we are still in today. The main area that has been affected in this country and many other countries is construction, which has been hit massively. Companies and businesses right across the board are being affected from big names such as Balfour Beatty, the Kier Group down to small independent companies. Any sort of work is few and far between nowadays with every company accepting any sort of work no matter how small or big it is. I feel that this topic as it will show you past the commercial side of the recession. Everybody knows that the country is in the recession, but not that many people know exactly what a recession is and what damage it can cause to the economy and the country. It has a massive knock on affect right the way down the board and I believe that if we are going to get out of the recession quickly and efficiently people need to know how to adapt and work with it. The recession is not very well understood for one simple factor: There is not a universally agreed upon definition. There is a standard newspaper definition of a recession is a decline in the gross domestic product (GDP) for two or more consecutive quarters. There are 4 quarters to the year and each one lasts for approximately 12 weeks. This definition is not popular with most economists for two main reasons. Firstly, this definition does not take into account changes in other variables such as unemployment rate or consumer confidence. Secondly, by using quarterly data this definition makes it difficult to pinpoint when a recession starts to when it ends. The second definition is from the Business Cycle Dating Committee (BCDC). The committee provides a better way to find out whether or not there has been a definition as they determine the amount of business activity in the economy by looking at, employment, industrial production, real income and whole-sail retail sites. The past 20 years has been a growing realisation that the current model of development is unsustainable and basically, we are living beyond our means. Before anyone knew anything about this current recession, one part of construction that was on the rise was sustainable development. It is rumoured that one of the key factors in which the recession was brought on is that companies were being too selfish in that they were thinking about the short term rather than the long term. Some unsustainable business practices were concerned about profiteering and not focused enough on balancing profit with social and environmental targets. With the current economic crises being the way it is, companies are rarely willing to spend money on anything but essentials to their business. The credit crunch has virtually halted all new development and with falling land prices, affordability has become more important than ever, thereby highlighting development costs and the increased expense of complying with sustainable standards. Ultimately crucial issues related to sustainable development such as healthcare, education, affordable access to food, water, energy and responsible harvesting of natural resources are being affected as the crisis deepens. The increasing stress we put on resources and environmental systems such as water, land and air cannot go on forever. The need for Sustainable Commercial Development is too great to be ignored. Even in this recession and the state that the economy is in it is absolutely paramount that we as a country, continent and as a human race continue to develop sustainably. Instead of businesses thinking of their short term future, they now need to be thinking about their long term future. Instead of reeling in the cash straight away, we need to hold out and wait for the return from sustainable buildings and development all round. The sooner people and companies realize this, then the sooner the construction industry will have left the recession and will be planning for the future and sustainable development wont be a thing upon which businesses sigh about doing, it will become the first thing they think of. 3.0 Sustainable Buildings Sustainability in building was completely unknown up until around the late 1970s. The idea only came about in reply to the energy crisis and people concerned about the environment. There are not many people in this country or the world in fact who will not have heard the word sustainability but the vast majority of them will not understand what it means. According to Holmberg and Sandbrook (1992) there now appears to be 70 definitions in circulation. However, out of these 70 or so definitions that are circulating there is no definite, set definition of sustainable building but according to Kirby et al (1995) the definition which is commonly deemed as the most accurate or the official one is the Brundtland definition (WCED 1987) development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Although, Brundtland did make this definition, it is an adaption of a previous definition made by Lester Brown. Lester Brown however defined a sustainable society, rather than sustainable development. He defined a sustainable society as one that is able to satisfy its needs without diminishing the chance of future generations. (Charles J Kilbert 2008) It is easy to see the comparisons between the two definitions made firstly by Lester Brown and secondly, the Brundtland definition. Although the Brundtland definition is the most common and widely used, it doesnt define sustainable construction, only sustainable development. According to Dickie and Howard (2000) they describe sustainable construction as the contribution of construction to sustainable development. This definition from Dickie an Howard (2000) is very simple, but explains a lot, anyone would be able to understand it. ORiorden (1985) commented on the difficulty of describing sustainability, describing its definition as Exploration into a tangled conceptual jungle where watchful eyes lurk at every bend. This description of how hard and elusive it is to describe correctly what sustainability just shows you how vague and confusing defining sustainability can become. sustainability is like plumbing or air conditioning its a general attitude you apply to a building. It doesnt create its own architecture but it informs the way architecture is produced Slavid, Ruth (1998) uses this definition and its obvious that there are not only different definitions but also different meanings to the definitions. According to Addis, B and Talbot, R (2001) Sustainable development is about achieving economic and social objectives while minimising adverse environmental impacts This definition comes from the e-journal; Sustainable construction procurement: a guide to delivering environmentally responsible projects by Addis, B and Talbot, R (2001). As you can see all the definitions on this page and the previous page all define sustainable construction, development or sustainability on the whole, and they are all pretty much nothing like each other. Although there have been many definitions of sustainability for example that from the World Congress of Architects (1993) Sustainability means meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Even though all the definitions above are different you can see a definite trend between them. I believe they are all loosely based on that from the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future. This report is commonly known as The Brundtland Report. Some people may believe that having no definition for sustainable development could be an issue because how are people meant to implement and deliver sustainable development and in this case sustainable construction if an official definition has not been agreed. 3.1 Case Study To help what is understand what is involved in Sustainable Commercial Construction, a case study will be used. Whitecross High School, Hereford, England Owner: Herefordshire County Council Address: Three Elms Road, Herford, Herefordshire Architect: Haverstock Associates Building Services Consultant: Couch Perry Wilkes Contractor: Stepnell LTD Figure 1 Image of Whitecross High School, Hereford, England Whitecross High School in Hereford was primarily designed where energy / sustainability was high priority for the client. The gross internal floor area of the school is 9160m2 and was built for approximately 900 students. The brief for the project contained stringent sustainability requirements, and this became the key driver for the design process. Sustainable features of Whitecross High School: High mass and thermal insulation levels with low air permeability rates Excellent air quality and summertime temperature control Heat recovery ventilation 90% efficient Very Low annual energy consumption Sustainable solutions provided within PFI cost framework Natural materials used throughout construction Hazardous materials excluded from the building specification Following the case study, we can see at the Whitecross High School that not only is there sustainable energy solutions in this sustainable building but there have been solutions designed in the buildings. For example the excellent air quality and summertime temperature control system means that other expensive and unreliable systems would not be needed, saving time and money on the sustainable building. You can tell by the number of definitions and the lack of agreement of an official definition about the subject of sustainability and sustainable construction is confusing and complex. The main disagreement is apparent around how to implement sustainable construction what systems actually make a sustainable building, sustainable. 4.0 Research Approach 4.1 Scope of the Chapter This chapter of my dissertation will outline the research methods used to complete my dissertation. It will compare the two different types of research and will also show why I have chosen my specific method. 4.2 Qualitative and Quantitative Research When researching for any type of information there are different methods that can be used. There are two principal strands of data collection methodologies and strategies which are distinctly different. (Bryman 2004) Quantitative research involves the use of structured questions where the answer are predetermined, this research is done over a large number of respondents and is statistically valid while qualitative research is about collecting and analysing data interpreting what people say or do for instance a questionnaire. The very nature of the dissertation, the different types of information needed in order to achieve the objectives and the resources that are actually available like time implications for instance affects what types of research methods will be used. To gain a wider perspective about sustainable development and about the current recession period, it is always a good idea to do some research within the public, using both primary and secondary research. There are many different types of research that you could do, some of which are quantitative and qualitative approaches. Usually research methods and styles are not mutually exclusive although only one, or a small number of approaches, will normally be adopted due to resource constraints on the work. The different approaches focus on collection and analysis of data rather than examination of theory and literature. Quantitative approaches normally seek to gather factual data, studying relationships between facts and how such facts and relationships accord with theories and the findings and of research carried out previously. Qualitative approaches seek to gain and understand peoples perceptions, both as individuals and as groups. This research looks at peoples beliefs, understandings, opinions and views etc are investigated. The data is detailed and rich in content because the data gathered may be unstructed, but will be in their raw form. If you do use this method of research you would have to be willing to be highly laborious, involving transcripting interviews etc. The researchers are likely to be closely involved in all stages of the work in a more active way than usually is acceptable in quantitative studies. Features of Qualitative research Features of Quantitative research Difference in respect to: Quantitative Research Qualitative Research The aim is a complete, detailed description. The aim is to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed. Underpinning philosophy Rationalism: That human beings achieve knowledge because of their capacity to reason (Bernard, 1994) Empiricism; the only knowledge that human beings acquire is from sensory experiences (Bernard, 1994) Researcher may only know roughly in advance what he/she is looking for Researcher knows clearly in advance what he/she is looking for. Approach to inquiry Structured/ rigid/ predetermined methodology Unstructured/ flexible/ open methodology Recommended during earlier phases of research projects Recommended during latter phases of research projects Main Purpose of investigation To quantify extent or variation in phenomenon, situation, issues etc. To describe variation in a phenomenon, situation, issue etc. The design emerges as the study unfolds All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data is collected Measurement of variables Emphasis on some form of either measurement or classification of variable. Emphasis on description of variables Researcher is the data gathering instrument Researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or equipment to collect numerical data Sample Size Emphasis on greater sample size Fewer cases Data is in the form of words, pictures or objects Data is in the form of numbers and statistics. Focus of inquiry Narrows focus in terms of extent of inquiry, but assembles required information from a greater number of respondents Covers multiple issues but assembles required information from fewer respondents Subjective individuals interpretation of events is important ,e.g., uses participant observation, in-depth interviews etc. Objective seeks precise measurement analysis of target concepts, e.g., uses surveys, questionnaires etc Dominant research value Reliability and objectivity (value-free) Authenticity but does not claim to be value- free Qualitative data is more rich, time consuming, and less able to be generalized. Quantitative data is more efficient, able to test hypotheses, but may miss contextual detail. Dominant research topic Explains prevalence, incidence, extent, nature of issues, opinions and attitude; discovers regularities and formulates theories Explores experiences, meanings, perceptions and feelings Researcher tends to become subjectively immersed in the subject matter. Researcher tends to remain objectively separated from the subject matter. Analysis of data Subjects variables to frequency distributions, cross-tabulations or other statistical procedures Subjects responses, narratives or observation data to identification of themes and describes these Communication of findings Organisation more analytical in nature, drawing references and conclusions, and testing magnitude and strength of relationship Organisational more descriptive and narrative in nature Figure 2 Table adapted from www.wilderdom.com and Kumar (2005) The features of qualitative and quantitative research methods along with the differences in the two methods can be seen in Figure which has been adapted from www.wilderdom.com and Kumar (2005) The table shows the two different research methods that can be used and their advantages and disadvantages. It shoes the features of both Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research. 4.3 Research Design There are several different ways that the research for this project could be undertaken and when looking at the most suitable method. There are three major factors that are the most significant amongst the others that need to be taken into account. They are; Reliability Replication Validity These three factors that have been identified are all issues that could affect the consistency, therefore the reliability of the data for my dissertation 4.4 Approaches to date collection 4.4.1 Interviews Interviews have been described by Kumar (2005) as being person to person interaction with specific purposes. There are two main types of interviews and these can be seen in figure below taken from Kumar (2005, page. 123) Interview Styles Unstructured Structured Flexible interview structure Rigid interview structure Flexible interview contents Rigidy interview, rigid interview contents Flexible interview questions Questions and their wording Figure 3 Diagram showing the two possible interview techniques The advantages and disadvantages of interviews have been identified in the table below. Advantages of Interview Disadvantages of Interview  More appropriate for complex situations Can be expensive and time consuming Interviewing has a wider application Interviewee could be bias Questions can be explained Quality of information may deteriorate Good for in depth information Quality of interviewee may be poor Face to face interaction Quality of data could differ on interaction Figure 4 Advantages and disadvantages of the interview 4.5 Research Proposal Because of my dissertation, and what it is involving, it was not feasible for me to produce any quantitative data as the majority of the general public will have very limited or no information whatsoever about my chosen subject. Therefore my research method was a set of self designed research questions used to gather honest and first hand information, about the effects the recession is having on commercial sustainable construction. The purpose of this interview based approach was to abstract through questions the information needed to answer the research question. Tesch, (1990) defines qualitative research as Intensive study of one individual or a group as an entitiy, through observation, self-reports and any other means. In this case the individual was interviewed alone, yet was also grouped together in order to distinguish any inter related experiences. 4.6 Sampling It is clear that to get the best information possible, a wide range of professionals needs to be used. I therefore opted to use professionals from different backgrounds to interview. The professions in which I used are; Building Surveyor Life Cycle Director Commercial Sector Director Senior Design Manager The reason for selection of the professionals is that hopefully I can gain an insight into the different views on the set of self designed questions that have been prepared for them. I was careful in choosing the professionals in which I did. I wanted to gain the best information possible to obtain the best results for my dissertation. I decided on choosing professionals who are well established in their different fields and have a wide vocabulary of knowledge, and in some cases, have plenty of experience. 4.7 Interview Design I decided in order to gain the best and most accurate information it would be best to have a structure interview. Therefore I would take a set of pre determined questions into the interview and asked to the professionals. The advantages of such a structured interview would be that each and every one of the professionals would be asked the same questions then a better analysis could be gained as their responses are all to the same questions 4.8 Summary The above chapter covers the whole process of collecting data and the means for it to be compiled. 5.0 Data Collection Activities 5.1 Scope of the Chapter This chapter in hand looks at the activities that took place in order for me to successfully collect the data. The data collection activity covers what was completed to collect the resulting information and the processes that have taken place. The following chapter should show the results collected, which be analysed according to the objectives. 5.2 Data Collection The only source of data collection was conducted using structures interviews. The interviews were recording on different days, but in the same week as I deemed it important as it would give me the most accurate information. The professionals all gave a good sample of answers to the questions given to them. The interviewees were of a high professional level and of high standard. 5.3 Interview Results I considered it was important to correctly select the amount of the actual questions I would be asking. This was for the simple reason that it would give me the best and most accurate answers about sustainable commercial buildings, the recession and whether or not they have had an effect on each other. Independant Variables I deemed it necessary to find out the age of the interviewees, the years of experience they have in the necessary feild and more importantly what their profession was. Age of the interviewee Figure 5 shows the age of the participants Amount of experience in current profession Figure 6 shows the amount of experience each interviewee has What profession the participants are in Figure 7 shows the profession of the interviewees 6.0 Data analysis 6.1 Scope of the chapter In this chapter I will critically analyse the results that were compiled from the interviews that were undertaken. The results will assess the impact that the interviews have had upon the research completed, and will compare or contrast findings. The way in which I will be analysing the interviews is by looking at each question, explaining each of the results and from there, I will be analysing them. Question 01 Analysis Do you utilise in-house staff rather than specialist consultants? Results You can see from the transcripts that the interviewees have answered the question, with different opinions. Interviewee 1 and Interviewee 3 both say that they use both in-house and specialist consultants. Interviewee 3 then goes on to say that the main reason they are using in-house staff rather than specialist consultants is that they are much much cheaper. Interviewee 2 and Interviewee number 5 both have the same sort of answer. They both said that they try to use specialist consultants rather than in-house staff in their companies. Interviewee number 2 explained it was because contractors are seeing the need for specialist advice that can help them differentiate in a competitive market; to have an edge and make sure they win the tender. Interviewee number 4 however, said that in his company they try to utilise the in-house staff as much as possible but because the company in which he is employed by is fairly small company compared to the Balfour Beattys, Carillions and other such companies.. Analysis From this question, I have a mixed bag of answers to whether companies use in-house staff or specialist consultants. Because of the varied answers, I believe that some companies are doing better in the recession than other companies and still can afford the specialist consultants. I also believe from the answers that some people believe it is more important to gain the specialist knowledge than it is to use in house staff as they believe using in-house staff hinders your chances of winning a contract when tendering for it so having the best knowledge possible is key. Questions 02: Analysis Has the amount of contractors being tendered to changed since the recessional period started? Results I can see from the transcripts there is a popular answer to this question. Interviewee numbers 3, 4 and 5 all agree that there has been some change in the amount of contractors being tendered too. Interviewee 1 the Senior Design Manager is alone when saying that there has been no change. He explains because Balfour Beatty is a big big company they have a local supply chain in every major area. He explains that at Balfour Beatty they use contractors that they have had previous relationships with because you get better quality out of them. Interviewee number 2 is also alone with his answer. He states Tender lists are long, but I am not too sure at the moment if this is better or worse than before.. At the moment, he is unsure as to whether having long tender lists is better or worse than before. He then goes on to state a main problem with long tender lists is that contractors dont want to spend money on sustainability advice if they only have a low win probability. Analysis There is a common answer among the professionals about the amount of contractors being tendered too. The two Building Surveyors and the Life Cycle Director all believed that there has been some change since the recession started. This tells me that the building surveyors definitely believe that there has been a significant change in the amount of contractors being tendered too. The Senior Design Manager (Interviewee 1), whom I believe is the professional with the most experience, is completely alone with his answer. This in my opinion is because he works at one of the largest construction companies in Europe. Although the recession would still have had an effect on Balfour Beatty, I believe they would not nearly be as affected by is as some of the smaller companies in the industry. The Commercial Sector Director (Interviewee 2) doesnt really give a definitive answer to the question; he just states that the tender lists are long. Question 03: What financial arrangements have been put in place depending on sustainability? Results When asking this question you can see from the transcripts that there was a very popular occurrence of and around the term BREEAM Excellent Interviewee numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 all mentioned the word BREEAM. Interviewee 1 said I think if affected by the recession but its actually probably a very positive time for us he also went on to say if you look at commercial projects whoever is building a commercial project has got to think about their tenant and tenants often look for; is it a sustainable building? So it is actually a marketing tool that we are using now you know to give us an advantage against our opponents so sustainability rath
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Role of International Law Concerning Deforestation and Desertificat
The Role of International Law Concerning Deforestation and Desertification The surface of the earth is, in a sense, its skin-a thin but crucial layer protecting the rest of the planet contained within it. Far more than a simple boundary, it interacts in complex ways with the volatile atmosphere above and the raw earth below. It may seem hard to imagine it as a critical component of the ecological balance, but in fact, the health of the earth’s surface is vital to the health of the global environment as a whole. ~Al Gore Deforestation and Desertification. These lucrative concepts echo throughout the environmental movement both past and present. The realization and analyzation of the human species’ manipulation of the environment has stimulated a profound movement towards the protection and maintenance of every aspect to the environment. The pursuit of wealth and power are now being questioned in accordance to the justification of environmental degradation. Today the solutions to all environmental degradation cannot solely be left to national governments. These global issues require international attention and action and the ultimate submission of certain national sovereignty. This protective â€Å"skin†of our earth is in utter turmoil and can solely rely on an international environmental movement. Can the pursuit of wealth and power justify the loss of the environment- the very body that supports all living organisms? The actions of all humans today are manipulating indefinite aspects to the environment and sadly enough, the continuance of the human species in generations to come. In order to assess the significance of international environmental law in accordance with deforestation and desertificatio... ...Nigel. â€Å"Opportunities to save and Sustainably Use the World’s Forests Through International Cooperation.†(1999):33. Online. Internet. 14 March 1999. Available: http://www.iisd.ca/linkages/forestry/sizer.html Slomanson, William R. Fundamental Perspectives on International Law. 2nd ed. Minnesota: West Publishing Co., 1995. Steger, Will and Jon Bowermaster. Saving the Earth: A Citizen’s Guide to Environmental Action. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990. Switzer, Jacqeline. Environmental Politics. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998 "U8830 International Land Resources Managment: Combating Desertification, Deforestation, and Biodiversity Loss." 1996: 9 pp. Online. Netscape. 11 Apr. 1999. Available: http:/www.iisd.ca/linkages/pam/lecture3.html. http://www.cnie.org/nce/clim-4.html http://moby.ucdavis.edu/gaws/10711quebec/gpoup4.html
Monday, November 11, 2019
Dialogue About the Problem of Overpopulation Essay
Marija: So, Martin, what do you think about the problem with overpopulation in the world? You think it is a serious problem? Martin: Well, Marija, yes, basically I do think overpopulation is a serious problem, maybe not in Macedonia, but in some other countries in the world, like China, it is one of the major state issues. I’ve read that there are laws which limit the number of kids for one family to have. And what is your opinion? Marija: I disagree. I don’t think overpopulation is such a serious issue, as long as there is a solution for it. And I don’t think that kind of laws should be allowed, one reason is that they are not humane. Maybe they should have come up with some other idea how to get over it. Martin: You’re right about this. I’m thinking about a world without borders, so anyone can live where he wants, and then, the issue of overpopulation will be dealed with. There won’t be limitations where people can live, so I believe there won’t be overcrowded cities, or†¦ Marija: I believe it will be†¦ That’s the real reason why there is overpopulation. Everyone wants to live in the big cities, so they would definitely become overcrowded. Maybe, the government should promote the rural communities, with giving benefits, such as low-price houses, available jobs with good salary.. Martin: Well that is a good idea. That way many people will take the chance, and move to the countryside, and with that lower the overpopulation in the industrial cities. Plus, they can enjoy the unpolutioned air and earth. Marija: Finally, we came to mutual understanding how to get rid of this problem. Now we just have to recommend this option to the authorities.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Leprechaun Trap - Green Slime St. Patricks Day Project
Leprechaun Trap - Green Slime St. Patricks Day Project Heres how to make green slime for St. Patricks Day leprechaun trap. We havent successfully caught any leprechauns using this recipe yet, but it does make a nice holiday chemistry project for kids! Leprechaun Trap Slime Materials 4-oz bottle school glue gelborax (not boric acid)watergreen food coloring Make the Leprechaun Trap Slime Solutions The leprechaun trap is made by mixing two solutions together, which cross-link or polymerize to make a gel or slime. First, make the solutions: Borax Solution Take about a half cup of hot water and stir in borax until it stops dissolving. It is fine if the solution is cloudy or if there is undissolved solid at the bottom of the container. Just add the liquid part to your slime recipe. Glue Solution You can make either opaque slime or translucent slime, depending on the type of glue you use for this project. White glue produces an opaque slime. Clear or translucent blue glue will produce a translucent slime. You can color either type of slime using food coloring. Stir 4-oz of glue into 1 cup of water.Add a couple of drops of food coloring. The radioactive chemistry green-yellow color is obtained by adding 2 drops of yellow or 2 drops yellow and 1 drop of green coloring, depending how green you want the slime. For a leprechaun trap, you can add a few drops of green food coloring and call it good. If youre a rebel, dye the slime blue! Blue was the traditional Irish color before green came into vogue. Make the Leprechaun Trap Simply mix together 1/3 cup of the borax solution and 1 cup of the glue solution. You can use your hands or you can use a spoon. Glowing Leprechaun Trap What leprechaun wouldnt be attracted to a glowing trap? You can make the slime glow very brightly under ultraviolet or light if you add a little yellow highlighter ink to either of the solutions. Highlighter ink is fluorescent, so it emits light when exposed to high-energy light. Note adding the contents of a glow stick will not work, because the other chemicals in the slime will interfere with the reaction that produces the glow. Cleaning Up the Leprechaun Trap Although regular slime doesnt stain most surface, the food coloring you added to make it green will stain clothing, furniture, and counters. You can remove the color from countertops using cleaner with bleach. Except for the food coloring, slime washes away with soap and water or in regular laundry. After St. Patricks Day Your leprechaun trap wont last until St. Patricks Day next year, but if you seal it in a covered bowl or a plastic bag, it will be good for several days. You can extend this to a couple of weeks if you store the bag in the refrigerator. The sealed bag keeps the slime from drying out while the refrigerator keeps it from developing mold. How Leprechaun Trap Slime Works When you mix the glue and the borax the polymer in the glue, polyvinyl acetate, undergoes a chemical reaction. Cross-linking bonds are formed, causing the glue stick less to your hands or spoon and more to itself. Feel free to experiment with the amount of glue, water, and borax that you use to make the slime. You can adjust the recipe to make the slime more fluid or more stiff. The molecules in the polymer are not fixed in place, so you can stretch the slime quite far before it will break or tear. More St. Patricks Day Science Projects Turn Pennies Gold for a Pot of GoldGreen St. Patricks Day FireGlowing Green FlowersMore St. Pattys Day ProjectsAnswers To Common Questions About Slime
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Shacking
Within in the past years, the number of unmarried couples living together has increased dramatically. There are, however, some people who still disagree with â€Å"shacking†, claiming that it is inappropriate and irresponsible, as well as simply distasteful. These opinions are out-dated and irrational. Living with one’s partner before being wed is far from being immoral. If anything, it is one very good way to determine if the marriage will work. As in any relationship, time is of the essence and with each day there is another lessoned learned. One thing that should be learned about one’s partner is the way that he or she lives. This cannot be completely understood until the two persons in the relationship share living quarters with each other. There should be a time in every courtship that is dedicated to the experience of learning each other’s living habits because without that time, there are likely to be many problems within the home that could have been alleviated before marriage. You can only learn another person through time and patience and it can’t be disputed that it is better to learn as much as you can about the person you intend to spend the rest of your life with before that time officially begins. Many people are disgraced by the dramatic rise in the divorce rate, however, if people would spend more time dating one another, learning about their partners, and experiencing as much as possibl e with their m! ates before the wedding day them some of the problems that lead to divorce, such as incompatibility, would not be such an factor. When unmarried couples live together, it allows those persons involved to learn and grow together as a unit. It is imperative to the success of any relationship that the involved persons honor and respect each other as individuals and cherish the unity between them. Living together is a perfect way to strengthen both these aspects of a successful relationship. Many people, when ... Free Essays on Shacking Free Essays on Shacking Within in the past years, the number of unmarried couples living together has increased dramatically. There are, however, some people who still disagree with â€Å"shacking†, claiming that it is inappropriate and irresponsible, as well as simply distasteful. These opinions are out-dated and irrational. Living with one’s partner before being wed is far from being immoral. If anything, it is one very good way to determine if the marriage will work. As in any relationship, time is of the essence and with each day there is another lessoned learned. One thing that should be learned about one’s partner is the way that he or she lives. This cannot be completely understood until the two persons in the relationship share living quarters with each other. There should be a time in every courtship that is dedicated to the experience of learning each other’s living habits because without that time, there are likely to be many problems within the home that could have been alleviated before marriage. You can only learn another person through time and patience and it can’t be disputed that it is better to learn as much as you can about the person you intend to spend the rest of your life with before that time officially begins. Many people are disgraced by the dramatic rise in the divorce rate, however, if people would spend more time dating one another, learning about their partners, and experiencing as much as possibl e with their m! ates before the wedding day them some of the problems that lead to divorce, such as incompatibility, would not be such an factor. When unmarried couples live together, it allows those persons involved to learn and grow together as a unit. It is imperative to the success of any relationship that the involved persons honor and respect each other as individuals and cherish the unity between them. Living together is a perfect way to strengthen both these aspects of a successful relationship. Many people, when ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
NEW TERRORIST THREATS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
NEW TERRORIST THREATS - Research Paper Example Al Qaeda has undergone a radical metamorphosis from the â€Å"organized, idealistic group†to a rag tag unit that advanced aspects of radicalism. The radical shift and nature of Al Qaeda does not mean that its lethal power has been reduced. What is contrary is the observation that the unit has embraced new and modern ways to advance its terrorist ideals. The strength and the standards of the group have been embraced by many people from all over the world who have aligned and embraced the radical tenets of the group. Nations all over the world have acknowledged that Al Qaeda cannot be ignored, and its radical aspects should not be dismissed. They have set modalities that will ensure that they are perfectly equipped with the ability to deal with any form of terrorist act. In instances where nations lack the capacity to deal with terrorism and terrorist groups, international bodies have offered assistance at each and every stage. This is with the realization that terrorism affect s all nations in the world. New Terrorist Threats Prior to the events of September 11, 2001, the United States, and much of the world for that matter, was blissfully ignorant with regards to the terrorist threat. Although it is true that terrorism had been evidenced within the United States many times throughout its history, the sheer scope and scale of destruction, as well as loss of human life, that was exhibited on September 11, demanded that the United States integrate with a more nuanced and proactive approach to defining and combating terrorism around the globe. One definitive reality that can currently be stated with regards to the current evidence of terrorism is the fact that over 10 years of incessant conflict between the United States and its allies and al Qaeda have severely weakened it and monumentally decreased its operating effectiveness, it should not be understood that Al Qaeda does not pose a threat anymore (Spaaij, 2010). Rather, the capabilities of this particula r entity have severely been weakened as leadership has been decimated by a proactive and aggressive assassination program. Yet, even though Al Qaeda no longer poses anywhere close to the same level of threat that it did but a decade ago, the reader should understand the definition of terrorism and terrorist entities do not begin or end with Al Qaeda; or even radical Islamic terror groups in and of themselves. Whereas the recent past has been defined by large terror organizations seeking to carry out complex and logistically challenging tactics, the recent paradigm necessarily denotes a far larger number of individual or â€Å"lone wolf†terrorists, oftentimes under the leadership of a mentor, have begun to redefine terrorist threat within the modern era. As a function of understanding and appreciating this new dynamic, the following analysis will seek to illustrate some relevant in recent cases in which the â€Å"lone wolf†terrorist has engaged and/or destroyed/killed targets based upon seemingly their own volition (Barnes, 2012). Additionally, the analysis will also discuss the means by which traditional interpretations of terrorism and the groups that sponsor it, such as Al Qaeda, continue to be relevant and should not be discounted entirely. Although the analysis will focus much of the attention upon radical Islamic extremists, it must be understood that many different and disparate groups comprise the terrorist threat that is based within the current system. One
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Predictability of Foreign Exchange Rates Dissertation
Predictability of Foreign Exchange Rates - Dissertation Example I am also much obliged to my supervisors who guided me with their timely advice, feedbacks and suggestions which aided me in attaining the expected standard of work and keeping me punctual as per the scheduled deliveries of dissertation chapters. Table of Contents Serial no. Topic Page no. I Introduction, Aims & objectives and Research Questions 6 I.1 Introduction 6 I.2 Aims 6 I.3 Objectives 6 I.4 Research Questions 7 II Literature Review 8 III Research Methodology 15 IV Findings Analysis and Discussion 19 V Conclusion and Recommendations for future Research 33 VI References 40 List of Tables Table no. Topic Page no. 1a Regression Results of Equation (1a) 22 1b Regression Results of Equation (1b) 23 2a Regression Results of Equation (2a) 25 2b Regression Results of Equation (2b) 26 3a Regression Results of Equation (3a) 28 3b Regression Results of Equation (3b) 29 List of Tables in Appendix Serial no. Topic Page no. ... on: The collapse of the Bretton Woods System of fixed exchange rate in 1978 ushered in the new era of flexible exchange rate that aimed for the betterment of trade relations between countries. Free and floating exchange rate were assumed to be the solution to the barriers to free trade and hence, the newly acquired ideals of globalization. What remained uncalculated was the instability and lack of predictability associated with flexible exchange rates. In the aftermath of the Global Crisis of 2007, the predictability of exchange rates has evolved as one of the most relevant issues and pleads minute scrutiny and analysis. I.2 Aims: The objective of this research is to examine the depreciations, appreciations and devaluations in the value of the US Dollar relative to other major currencies and based on this analysis; draw a general conclusion on the degree of predictability of exchange rates in recent times. Furthermore, it attempts to identify the main factors responsible for the vola tility of exchange rates following the collapse of the Bretton Woods System and thus, offer a clear insight into the various mechanisms existent in the context of exchange rate predictability. I.3 Objectives: The main objectives of the research are: To compare the differences in the stability and predictability of exchange rates before and after the collapse of the Bretton Woods System of fixed Exchange rates. To study the variations in the value of exchange rate of US, with respect to other major currencies and based on this, gauge the relative increase or decrease in the stability and predictability of exchange rates. To identify the reasons for the changing degree of predictability in exchange rates. To study the implications of the varying degrees of predictability of exchange rates, in
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Different Contemporary Management Issues Faced By Global Organizations Essay
Different Contemporary Management Issues Faced By Global Organizations - Essay Example The discussion is mainly focused on a particular management issue i.e. the effect of legislation on the current workforce and management. Changing legislation to the organizations and workforce is one of the major issues faced by the human resource management. Besides the federal legislation, each state owns specific employment law and regulations which affect the functionality of human resources. The changes in federal laws generally impact the HR management of large to medium-sized organizations. Human resources managers need to be well-versed with the challenges of these ever-changing employment and workforce legislation to reduce the liabilities of organizations in different aspects of human resources operations. The recent development of minimum wages law is providing some added pressure to different organizations. The US federal minimum wages act was first introduced during the depression of 1933. At that time the federal government increased the minimum wages from 25 cents to $7 per hour. By the year of 2013, the minimum wages for workers in small and medium US industries has increased by $9.47 per hour. Similarly, the federal law has conveyed that the minimum wages of employees in large industries need to be increased to $ 11 per hour by the end of 2015. Though the wage hike has been proved to be beneficial for the employee loyalty and motivation programs, it is also adversely affecting the overall expenses and profit margin of organizations. Various businesses in the US market are facing different challenges due to this rise in the wage structure. The HR management of the Subway franchisees in Seattle is worried about the increase in organizational cost by $250 per week in terms of employee salaries. The strategic managers of Washington Lodging Association are still very confused about the effect of this legislation on the overall business activity of the organization.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Conceptual Cognition and Problem Solving Styles Essay Example for Free
Conceptual Cognition and Problem Solving Styles Essay The article â€Å"Thinking†found in the Northeastern University Website presents insights regarding conceptual cognition and problem solving skills. It claims that although people may have similar concepts, we differ from each other by our conceptual cognition and problem solving styles. To elaborate, the author cites how people define concepts. It shows that people have similar concepts of things especially those perceived by sight. For instance, features including two eyes, four legs, two ears, one tail, barking, sharp teeth, etc., would definitely pertain to a dog. Likewise, a photo of a child smiling is an indication of a happy child, not a sad one. However, there are also some concepts in our society that have changed a bit but not entirely. Although they are modified through time, a certain degree of people’s cognition of the original concept remains the same. Take for example, marriage. In the past, the concept of marriage is limited to a man and a woman, but now the concept allows man to man marriage, so although the concept is altered a bit, the concept of togetherness and commitment still holds truth. Concepts are arranged into hierarchies. For instance, a bedroom is smaller than a house, and a block is smaller than a neighborhood. Applying it in the school context, there are students under one teacher, and there are teachers under one director, etc. Similarly, in the corporate scene, there are subordinates and supervisors. Moreover, concepts are formed by definition and prototype. We learn concepts as the environment define them for us. For instance as children, we were familiarized by our parents with the things in the house, such as a table and a chair. Later on when we went to our neighbor’s, we realized that tables can be in different forms or colors, but the role they play remains the same. Through definition and prototype, we obtain similar concepts of things around us. The issue of cognition is not much of a problem but problem solving styles are. The three methods to solve a problem include: trial and error, algorithms, and heuristics. In trial and error, one is bound to use more effort and time to arrive at the right answer. This method requires several trials and shortcuts, and does not guarantee giving the right answer. The second method is algorithm. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure usually involving computations. Unlike trial and error, it is methodical and guarantees arriving at the correct answer. However, since it requires a procedure, it is more time consuming than the other. The third method used to solve a problem is heuristics. This method requires â€Å"speculative formulation†¦as a guide in the investigation or solution of a problem.†(Answers.com, n.d.). It posits that the background of the matter, ie religion, society be investigated upon in order to arrive at a conclusion. Although this method is not accurate and does not guarantee a definite answer, it leads to a certain conclusion or information related to the problem. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. When combined, the three methods will help one arrive at a valid answer. For instance, when conducting research, it is not enough to present statistics of people experiencing a specific problem. One needs to dwell on observations, surveys, interviews, etc. to obtain a full view of the situation. Applying this to the classroom scenario, students should be taught how to apply and combine the three methods in order to facilitate problem solving tasks. Particularly, when teaching research, teachers should incorporate teaching and application of the three methods so that students will not only have options but arrive at definite and valid conclusions for their study. References Algorithm. Retrieved 5 August 2008, from http://www.answers.com/topic/algorithm Heuristic. Retrieved 5 August 2008, from http://www.answers.com/heuristic
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Bag of Visual Words Model
Bag of Visual Words Model Abstract Automatic interpretation of Remote sensing images is a very important task in several practical fields. There are several approaches to accomplish this task, one of the most powerful and effective approach is the use of local features and machine learning techniques to detect objects and classify it. In such an approach, first, the image is scanned for local features and coded in a mathematically manipulatable form, then these local features are injected to a classifier to get the class of the object which contains these local features. In this thesis, bag of visual words model for detecting and recognizing of objects in high resolution satellite images is constructed and tested using blob local features. Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) and Speedup Robust Features (SURF) algorithms are used as blob local feature detector and descriptor. The extracted features are coded mathematically with Bag of Visual Words algorithm in order to represent an image by the histograms of visua l words. Dimension reduction technique is used to eliminate non-relevant and non-distinctive data using Principle Component Analysis (PCA). Finally, a single class Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier is used to classify the object image as a positive or negative match. We extend the typical use of BOVW by using an object proposals technique to extract regions that will be classified by the SVM depends on keypoints location clustering instead of sliding window approach. Besides enhance the resolution independency by using geospatial info extracted from the remote sensing images meta-data to extract real dimensions of objects during training and detection. The whole approach will be tested practically in the experiment work to prove that this approach is capable to detecting a number of geo-spatial objects, such as airplane, airports and cars. Introduction The remote sensing, images has been developed in quantity and quality and its applications. The image itself is not useful without analysis. The analysis is to generate information from the image. One of the image analysis tasks is the detection of objects from the images, either man-made objects or natural objects. The automation of this task is very useful in real world applications, but it is very challenging. This can be one of the computer vision field problems. The methods that, use local features in object, recognition from visual data is very successful in recent researches. The benefits of using local features is immunity, to occlusion, and clutter, and with greatest significantly, no pre-step of segmentation, is required before local feature extraction. The accessibility of diverse feature extraction and descriptors algorithms lets local feature methods efficient. Furthermore, the large number of features, generated from images of objects is crucial advantage, of l ocal features. While the benefits of local features are useful, a feature has to cover some factors; like invariance to scaling, rotation, illumination, viewing direction slight change, noise and cluttering. Motivation The revolutionary technology used in new generation satellite systems is driving the development of new large scale data handling approaches in remote sensing related applications. Furthermore, the large image archives captured over the previous missions are now being used to produce innovative global products. In particular, the development of large-scale analytics tools to efficiently extract information and apply the achieved results towards answering scientific questions represents a big challenge for the research community working in the Remote Sensing field. One of the most useful analytic tools in remote sensing images is the object detection and recognition, either the man-made objects or natural ones as shown in Figure ‎1‑1 Figure ‎1‑1 Object detection as a Remote sensing image interpretation analysis There are a lot of challenges faced by the researchers like, but not limited to, enhancing the efficiency to process large data, developing the suitable techniques to detect and recognize various object types and develop tools and platforms needed to store, analyze, interpret and represent data and results. These challenges united experts of data science, algorithm development and computer science, as well as environmental experts and geoscientists, to present state-of-the-art algorithms, tools, and applications for processing and exploitation of a huge amount of remotely sensed data. The scope of these researches can be generalized as following: Studies describing advanced approaches to process large volume of multi-temporal optical, SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) and radiometric data. Studies discussing innovative techniques, and associated data processing methods for very large-scale data exploitation. Critical analyses of existing and innovative tools, methods and techniques for large-scale analytics to extract and represent information Results of case studies executed at different large spatial and temporal scales, also by using GRID and/or Cloud Computing platforms. Results of on-going national/international initiatives and solutions for managing, processing, and disseminating huge archives of Remote Sensing data and relevant results. Problem Statement This thesis addresses the problem of geospatial object detection and recognition from high resolution satellite images. The problem we are trying to solve is to decide if a given aerial, or satellite image, contains one or more objects, belonging to the class of interest, and locate the position, of each predicted object, in the image. The expression object stated in this thesis is any type of object may appear in the remote sensing images, including man-made objects which have sharp edges and are distinct from the background, for example a building, a ship, a vehicle. Our solution must be consider the challenges and difficulties of object detection in optical remote sensing images like visual appearance variations which caused by occlusion, viewpoint variation, clutter, illumination variation, shadow variation, etc. A general statement of the problem can be formulated as follows: Given a remote sensing image contains different objects, it is required to decide if one or more occurrences of a specific object class is existing in this image, and if so, detect locations of these objects, this needs to be successful in case of variation of viewpoint, occlusion, background clutter Objectives Model a methodology to solve the problem stated above that can features the following: Acquire training data of unlimited object classes. Read high resolution remote sensing images and able to analyze its data. Detect occurrences of trained object classes in the remote sensing images Demonstrate results as a geo-referenced data type. In this thesis, we will demonstrate a model to achieve these objectives, and assess its results compared to other state-of-the-art models presented in the recent researches. Thesis Layout The thesis is composed of five chapters, the first chapter presenting an introduction stating the motivation, problem definition and objectives, second chapter is discussing the literature survey about the problem and researches in the field, third chapter presenting a detailed explanation of the methodology proposed to solve the problem. Fourth chapter contains the experimental results of the model. Fifth chapter discusses and concludes the methodology represented in this thesis, then a few points is suggested as a future work.
Friday, October 25, 2019
When Marco First Appears, Miller Describes Him as a Square-built Essay
When Marco First Appears, Miller Describes Him as a Square-built peasant of thirty-two, suspicious, tender and quiet voiced.In the Light of Marco's Role in the Play, How Helpful Do You Find this Introduction to Him? When considering this question, it is necessary to somewhat challenge it; to whom is Miller's description meant to be helpful? As "A View From the Bridge" is a play, and therefore presented to an audience, we must presume that the description's intended use is to instruct an actor developing his character which is to be conveyed to an audience. Marco's role becomes more important throughout the play. In fact, his role assumes a certain duality. In one respect, he is the victim of Eddie's betrayal; he declares: "That one! [Eddie] He killed my children." In another respect, he is employed by Miller as a tool in the finality of Eddie's fate as his murderer. This increasing significance of Marco's role is not at first glance anticipated by Miller's introductory description as physically he appears to the audience as rather solid and the simplicity of the physical description helps to establish Marco as an initially somewhat simple character. However, the instructions that refer to Marco's emotions are more complex; "suspicious" and "tender"might appear contrasting, especially when juxtaposed contextually. However, with a Sicilian male typical attitude, they seem more compatible. Marco is reduced to tears at the prospect of sending his family money, and later will commit the arguably transgress act of murdering a man who had been his host, so acute is his anger on behalf of his starving, dependent family: "My wife- My wife- I want to send right away maybe twenty dollars." Marco almost ... ...ene is seen as a good man who is in charge of his family, and Marco, a "simple" Sicilian, who just came to America and was invited into the family by Eddie himself, is very exciting for the audience. It is therefore obvious in this scene that Marco is "suspicious" of Eddie. Furthermore, Marco's role as the tool Miller uses for Eddie's downfall, could not occur if Marco was not "suspicious". In conclusion, Miller's introductory description is only helpful to a limited degree both because of the nature of the text (it is a play) and because Marco will endure such great betrayals that they will change his character and actions. However, Miller gives the audience ideas about what sort of man Miller is describing, enabling the audience to anticipate the contrasts he may be serving to accentuate, such as the difference in attitudes between Rodolpho and Marco.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethics During Change Essay
As society has seen over the last few decades, ethics had not been at the forefront of organizational decision-making and change processes as it should have been. Unfortunately because of the actions or lack of actions by the few, many lives have been devastated and society’s view of corporate organizations has been severely damaged. Between government interventions, and organizational realizations, ethics seem to have become a focal point during the decision making and change processes. Most organizations realize that changes must occur to maintain, sustain, and grow, and the inclusion of ethical considerations is imperative to sound decisions and implementation. Organizations must make a commitment to themselves and society, to uphold a high level of ethical standards and behaviors, to ensure the view of the organization remains positive. Simply stated, ethics are beliefs individuals and organizations have that determine what standards or behaviors are deemed to be appropria te or inappropriate. According to Sonenshein (2009), there is a theory about the emergence of ethical issues during the change process (Sonenshein, 2009, p. 230). Sonenshein (2009) explains that the starting issues found in change are, â€Å"trigger points, ambiguity, and employee welfare frame†(Sonenshein, 2009, p. 230). Sonenshein (2009) further explains that the starting issues found during the implementation of change, refer to an individual’s sense-making about the organizational change (Sonenshein, 2009). Sense-making, according to Palmer, Dunford, and Akin (2006) â€Å"is a significant part of importance to understanding the change†(Palmer, Dunford & Akin, 2006, p. 190). When one does not have a clear understanding of the changes occurring, and the effect or consequences the change will have on him or her and the position held within the organization, emotions tend to become involved. One emotion described by Sonenshein (2009) is that an individual may perceive during the ch ange process, is â€Å"loss,†which he explains may also lead to an individual believing that he or she has been treated unfairly (Sonenshein, 2009, p. 231). To further add to ethical change issues, if the directives created for the change are not clear and concise, the interpretation of what is to occur can have multiple meanings and cause confusion. Ambiguity occurs when, â€Å"an organization has a vision but is not prescriptively clear on how to achieve it†(Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2006, p. 268). Palmer, Dunford, and Akin (2006) explain the importance of communication during change implementation as well as factors that help to create a sense of confusion. The three factors mentioned are, â€Å"message overload, message distortion, and message ambiguity†(Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2006, p. 268). The purpose of communication is to ensure each individual understands the changes to occur, the reasons for the change, and the effects expected from the change. The individual must have the ability to make sense of the change, understand the social impacts of the change, to ensure he or she is willing to â€Å"buy-in†to the change. The â€Å"employee welfare frame†is explained as a thought process some employees choose to use to determine the impact the organization’s change will have on him or her, and any inherent rights that may be infringed upon because of the change (Sonenshein, 2009). As explained by Sonenshein (2009), â€Å"poorly managed change efforts erode organizations relational health†(Sonenshein, 2009, p. 233). For an organization to achieve a successful change, the stakeholders must see the benefits associated with the change. The stakeholders must also have a clear view of the organizations vision and mission to accept and commit. Some organizations may take short-cuts in efforts to speed-up the change process; others may conceal information from employees and external entities that may be vital to gaining acceptance and commitment, thus damaging how the organization is viewed by stakeholders. Ethics in business must remain at the forefront of any decisions or changes during discussions or implementations. As seen, ethics in business is not confined to simply financial reporting; ethics encompasses every facet of organizational health and growth. References Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Akin, G. (2006). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach, 1e. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Sonenshein, S. (2009, Jan/Feb). Emergence of Ethical Issues during Strategic Change Implementation. Organization Science, 20(1), 223-239. Retrieved August 23, 2013 from http://sonenshein.rice.edu/uploadedFiles/Publications/Sonenshein_emergence%20of%20ethical%20issues%20during %20strategic%20change%20Org%20Science.pdf
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