Thursday, May 21, 2020
Morality in the Hunt for Red October Essay - 1190 Words
Morality in The Hunt for Red October While hundreds, even thousands of excellent movies have been made over the years since motion pictures were invented, there are some movies that stand out among the best. There are various reasons for these standouts, sometimes incredible acting, sometimes impeccable story lines, but in many cases, it is the issues addressed by the movie. Most of the greatest movies contain commentaries or analyses of certain issues, be they moral, social, or otherwise. John McTiernan directed one of these films, The Hunt for Red October, based on the similarly titled best-selling novel by Tom Clancy. The Hunt for Red October, a product of the anti-communist attitudes of the 1980s, is above all a commentary on†¦show more content†¦This is a direct commentary on the idea of doing what you feel is right instead of what you are told to do. Through the course of the movie we see the effects of this decision. The Soviets try to convince the Americans that he is intending to attack the Unit ed States, and the Americans, once they realize Ramius is trying to defect, try to help him defect. The officers of Ramius crew have also had to make their own moral decisions as they assist Ramius defection. They, too, have had to follow the beliefs of right and wrong instead of the morality that has been given to them by their naval superiors. There is also a moral decision to be made by the KGB agent loyal to the Soviet Union on Ramius submarine, the cooks assistant Loginov. When he discovers that Ramius is intending to defect, he makes the decision to attempt to stop Ramius, even at cost of his own life. The fact that he is against the hero of the movie, Ramius, does not mean that he is evil, although he is seen as such for purposes of the movie. His decision comes from his belief that what Ramius is doing is morally wrong. He believes that defection is treason, and is unacceptable under any circumstances, and he believes that it is his job to prevent this treason. His de cision comes from his own moral beliefs, and therefore cannot be labeled as wrong. His beliefs are simply different from Ramius. The Russians are not the only characters that mustShow MoreRelated Morality in The Hunt for Red October Essay1184 Words  | 5 Pages Morality in The Hunt for Red October nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;While hundreds, even thousands of excellent movies have been made over the years since motion pictures were invented, there are some movies that stand out among the best. There are various reasons for these standouts, sometimes incredible acting, sometimes impeccable story lines, but in many cases, it is the issues addressed by the movie. 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